Wednesday, June 4, 2008


The princesses hardly came up for air today! The big girls stayed w/Mom Jo (grandma) today so Katie Mei could go begin what we started a couple of weeks ago. Getting her cavities filled. The plan was to fill the worst one the 'traditional' way with just local anesthetic....then see how she tolerated it...then make a plan for the rest. She was amazing (cried...but was amazing nonetheless) and came out of the dentist no worse for the wear! We're so proud of our girl!! Ya-hoo!!!! (Someone tell me why we didn't think of this in the first place!!!! Scroll down to see the story of how we tried to do this with i.v.sedation and it was a disaster!) We headed to the local mall for a milk-shake and to show our fav Ann Taylor model (sister Julie works there) our newly remodeled teeth. Wouldn't you know....we just happened to find Mom Jo and big sisters already there eating (their fav hobby) so after some funatthemallplaytime.....we all packed in the van to go to Kristin's ballet recital rehearsal. You special people get a sneak peek! Of course the venue is all the way across town (!) in 90 degree heat (!) so after we came back across town...we decided it was time for a swim BECAUSE it was also time to babysit Cade...the girlies nephew and Mimi's buddy. He and the girls had a great night and now all are SUPPOSED to be sleeping (HA!)...the parents soon will be! Don't you like the pic of Katie showing you her revamped teeth?? Hilarious!! Oh yea...and three giant cheers for Kristi-loo who cried because she was scared to go on stage...but found courage-deep-within :). Can you spot her??? You'll see Leni in the pool being a Beluga Whale while the others catch her...AND this mommy absolutely loves the bottom pic of Katie and Cade. They're the same age for just a few more days...and I'm treasuring each and every moment of aunt-and-nephew-at-2!

1 comment: said...

Wow what a busy day you had :) So is anyone allowed to come to Kristin's recital? I would love to come (it does not cost any money does it? :) I hope you have a great day! Love yall!