Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Fixing Broken Lives....One At A Time....(long post below!)

John Morgan and a very, very grateful VanLue Family.

Universal Studios sent their awesome face artists. A similar photo of our Leni was in the Orlando paper this past Tuesday!

Former Orlando Magic player Jeff Turner talking with our daddy about clinic possibilities.

Seeing upclose and personal how a press conference really works.

John Morgan giving his vision for Destiny and The People's Clinic

Our guy and dad giving testimony to the medical side of what can be done for Central Florida's working poor.

Scott and Tammi George....(she's my childhood friend and college roommate!)

Local radio guy Scott Inez emcees as our dad waits in the wings.

Tammi being interviewed by Channel 6. Better her than me!!

Universal Studios sent a 'doctored' up Woody to entertain! Here's our Katie Mei transformed into a butterfly with family friend Melanie.

It's no secret to those that know us well that our passion other than the Cross of Christ is to not live a wasted life. We want to pass that same passion on to our children, and theirs as well. For us as a family we are fervent believers in God's heart for the poor and needy and living to relieve their suffering as God would show us, both here in the U.S. and abroad. Last summer Scott joined with The Destiny Foundation as their Medical Director. The Destiny Foundation is a non-profit founded by our friends Scott and Tammi George. They provide food, education/employment assistance, operate a thrift store, teach how to use gov't programs to Central Florida's working poor. Their motto is "Not a hand-out, but a hand up", with the goal being not to provide just free 'goods' but to teach and help people get back on their feet. Many, many of those they serve are the single moms of our community who literally have no where else to turn. The Foundation also had a built-out, ready to go clinic that was not being used....hence enter the VanLue family. When our dad and hubby, Scott V. came on as Medical Director last summer, they were able to offer FREE clinics once a month to children in the Central Fl. area that would otherwise not have access to ANY medical care. It instantly became a huge success and in the fall of this year an absolute miracle occured. Through a host of circumstances...John Morgan, a Central Florida attorney (recently involved with the Casey Anthony case ) approached Scott George and wanted to see the clinic open full time. If you aren't familiar with his name, he runs one of the largest law firms in the entire nation. Through John's unbelievable contribution...we can proudly announce the Grand Opening of "The People's Clinic" which was held this past Monday. Here you will see pics of the press conference where most local news channels were represented as well as newspaper and radio reporters. Both Scott George, and Scott V. spoke as well as John Morgan. Already the clinic, now open full-time, is far surpassing all expectations and lives of Central Florida's children are being dramatically changed for good! Uninsured or underinsured children are seen for free.. regardless of their ability to pay. It's being run entirely run by donations from individuals as well as corporations (such as Universal Studios just to name one). We are so very excited and grateful to be a part of this work and consider it a thrill and privledge to be "missionaries at home". The stories emerging from the mouths of these grateful people are both heart-wrenching and yet full of hope. Lives indeed are being repaired, one by one. Please pray for us as Scott's working 2 full time jobs right now:) and life is full!!


Melanie VanLue said...

Very, very cool. You got some good pictures - I love the face paint. =) I'm excited to see God continuing to provide for you and through you.

Medana22 said...

God is so GOOD! We are rejoicing with you (and luaghing at the thought of the 3 princesses at a press conference!) congratulations on the blessing of this new adventure. We will certainly keep you and Scott in our prayers, and look forward to hearing how teh Lord is and will use the clinic to glorify His name. We love you guys!!

The Brown Family said...

We are praising the Lord with you!! Isn't our God amazing! May He continue to do His mighty works in and thru you our dear friends! We will be praying for the clinic. I pray Scott will be able to minister to countless- body, soul and spirit! May grace abound all the more!

Bless you!!!