Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Bird's Eye View of Our Humble Homeschool Day

First of all...I need to make apologies for the crappy phone photos I've been using lately. Not the greatest resolution, heh? It seems to be the quickest grab when I meet a fun photo op so be it. Here you will see 2 lovely princesses (a.k.a. the middle and one end of the Oreo Sisters) in a typical day of school for us. When Katie Mei is at pre-school we shake-rattle-and-roll on school which this day included 1. A study of Moses and the Ten Commandments (their interpretation as I ask questions is hysterical!! The 'thou shalt not commit adultery' brought some interesting questions today of which I was not ready for!) 2. Read aloud from "Little House On the Prairie". Today was screaming panthers and howling indians! Wide-eyed were these two!! (We're reading thru the series as well as 'The Boxcar Children') They are allowed to draw pics while we read aloud if they are drawing something about the story. They're comprehension has improved dramatically! 3. We wrote and illustrated a story about a baby duckling 4.Conquered odd/even numbers 5. Made patterns with our fav pattern blocks 6. Discussed our founding fathers and what makes this country great (hopefully to remain so...trying not to paint a grim future pic for these two hopeful babes!!) 7. Caught a lizard from under the fridge (this was extra credit) 8. Read "From Egg to Chick"...which brought more questions I was unprepared for.:) and we aren't even done yet!! Now back to telling time with digital and traditional clocks...then on to addition/subtraction of double digits. Hope this mom can keep up with these first graders!!

1 comment:

Janelle Morrison said...

haha, love the extra credit.