Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Angeli Hope,7, Kristin Elisabeth,5, and Katherine Mei,3. Just adorable aren't they??

Cade William, 2 1/2 and Katie Mei

Julie and friend Jon..(Yep...it has happened.:)To those of you with questions...please ask away:0))

Last but not least...the most recent pic of Jason and Mel. Sorry. This is the most recent and well...the most accurate.:)

This is our virtual Christmas card! We wish a very blessed Christmas to all!


Anonymous said...

OK, I'll bite, WHAT'S HAPPENED?????

Reesa said...

Hey Cissy, Do you remember? I was in your Care Group for while. I brought my niece Stephanie for the "outting" at your house in the water out back. Julie and Stephanie exchanged ph. numbers but I not sure if they ever got together or not. Tragically, Stephanie was killed in a MVA on March 31, 2006. The most painful time in my life. Like they say, you're not supposed to bury children. God has been so good though. It "caused" me to press into Him like never before. If I hadn't had the Lord, I know I would have been dead by now. Oops, sorry, this ain't too cheerful huh? Anyway, I just wanted to say hello, and how thrilled we our with "our" John" getting to know Julie. Teresa A. Snyder

Jill said...

Greetings from Florida. I found your blog by way of your live feed and being in the top ten out of the Lady Lake feed...so we could be neighbors. I will find some time soon for reading your adoption story. We ourselves have just finished our MAPP classes and are waiting on our homestudy and then the little paperwork stuff...all of this being done without knowing the child that God has for our family. We are always excited to read about adoption stories. God bless you all.

Donna Cooper said...

What a teaser...


What is IT?

Please don't keep me holding my breath for too long!!!!
