Thursday, December 25, 2008

I will be away for the next few days on a much, much, much, much needed vacay :) Lots of pics to post when the P.C. returns!! answer some questions...Julie and Jon have entered into what we call an intentional 'courtship' period. We as a family embrace the Word of God as our standard and have been led to dismiss the world's views of 'dating' in exchange for a Biblical standard known as Biblical Courtship. What does this look like? Well, there's no clear definition, and it is drastically different for each and every family. Our son's courtship with his wife Mel looked very different from the one his sister is experiencing now. This courtship now has been in the works for quite a while now, and they (we) have felt led to move into a more 'formal' phase of relationship. Each courtship has it's own personality and flavor which is a great and good thing,:) however, the underlying premise is to honor and serve the almighty God in our relationships...and ultimately marriage. The best concise definition of what defines Biblical Courtship I have found, is explained by a staff member of Mark Dever's church in Washington D.C. It can be found here.We're excited and full of anticipation of what God will do in the coming days and months as we walk these two through these 'uncharted' waters---and looking forward to lots of fun in the process! Please pray for us!!:)


The Brown Family said...

Great explanation Cissy! I couldn't do better so I posted a link to your blog :). I looked up Wikipedia's definition for courtship and found it quite humerous so posted it too!

Thank you again for everything this week. We are big VanLue fans!!

May the Lord bless you with a wonderful time away.

Tammy said...

That was one of the best articles I've read on courtship!