Thursday, July 16, 2009

Our Little China Dolls~

Here's the amazing results of what international adoption does!! Seven beauties from Jiangxi, China...all living in the USA for the last 3 years! Our China reunion was an overwhelming success with families coming to Orlando from Texas, Michigan, New York, Maryland, and 2 from Florida! From left to right please meet....Braiden, Abigail, Malia, our Katie Mei, Alexis, Janey and Kayla! We spent several days at a resort community by Disney this last week. We let the girls play their little hearts out....and along with siblings and cousins they did just that! The parents had a spectacular time catching up on the last 3 years and swapping stories about anything and everything. Some even found time to do a theme park or two:) All these little ladies are now the ripe ol' age of 4 and talk up a storm. Their personalities are priceless!! These precious girls have equally precious families and we love the relationships that have formed. Our goal is to keep these former 'orphanage roomies' the best of friends stateside as well. Isn't God good??!! (click on the pic for an even better close-up)

Scott has the mega pixel whoop-de-do pics in it that may take a while to process. We have more photos forthcoming ....when time and pixel loading permits:)


The Brown Family said...

I love this picture! What a testimony of God's grace mighty at work!

We're off to the Olympics tomorrow! I'll check in when we get back:).

Praying for Julie!

The Crokers said...

We miss you guys already!
Malia, Cyndi and Bob