Monday, July 27, 2009

A Hysterical Moment...

I put this on FB but realized it didn't make it here. It must here to preserve for all time:) The girls LOVE taking part in the Disney Dance Party at Downtown Disney on occasion. Ok...lots of occasions. This time they entered the hula-hoop contest. Now. I don't recall either girl ever in their lifetimes picking up a hoop and actually DOING something with it that's supposed to resemble hula-hooping. Usually they break them the same day. So when they agreed to participate in this contest we all knew funny was just around the corner. They did really good and suprised us all! Of course we were doubled over laughing because one of them has a few coordination issues (she shall remain nameless...heh-heh) and the other attacks things with such a vengence that it's a wonder the poor hula-hoop is still with us today. In this photo...what you see is what you get. It was and still is one of the funniest moments we've had date.....And no...they did not win the contest. Double heh. They got a "puffy white thing" for trying though!!

1 comment:

Cyndi Croker said...

Why wasn't "The Mom" in the contest?? Maybe next time!