Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wacky Hair Day...

It was "Wacky Hair Day" at Katie's school this week. It's hard to be 'wacky' when you have that sleek, straight, beautiful, jet-black Asian hair but we did our best! represent the ultimate in wacky.....Miss Eloise is showing you how she wakes up every morning. We have tried everything with her platinum blond locks...and every day her mom gets this snarly rats nest to decipher each and every day. Love these girls...and they couldn't be more opposite!!:)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We did wacky hair day as well- and our attempt was similiar.
I keep the girls hair in pony knots (pony tail with the last loop stuck in the band - like Mulan) and it keeps their hair from being to knotty in the morning.
Your girls are beautiful!