Saturday, May 16, 2009

Random...but True Story...

We live outside the city limits but definitely not in the country. With that established...we were paid a visit (or should I say my Mom was) by the Florida Wildlife Commission the other day. My mom lives across the street a little less than 1/4 mile away. Anyway...answering a knock on the door found us face to face with wildlife man himself. He had noticed the trash can (pic) and had come to tell us in person...."BEWARE of the Bear!" Those are bear teeth marks in the trash can says wildlife man. Yep. They are on the loose.:) Actually they have been spotted roaming the neighborhood...even in Mom Jo's yard... but in the last few days have gotten more aggressive looking for food. We were given all sorts of pamphlets and brochures telling "Do not feed bears" (DUHH!!!) and how to 'bear-proof' just about anything. We were warned to 'look around' before you get in your cars early in the morning...and don't forget..."There is a $500 fine for feeding bears in the state of Florida". The girls think this new turn of events is 'way cool' but the mommy thinks they need to stay inside:) Not what we were expecting to be doing this week:)

1 comment:

The Brown Family said...

Ha!! Can you imagine? You thought the racoon was an issue :). I hope it's a baby bear??