And we love it! We are the VanLue family living in sunny Florida. Join us as we bring you into our lives with one married son, one daughter in college and our 3 adopted princesses .a.k.a Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty(the Italian version) and Mulan(adopted from China, May 2006) AND one very cute grandson! "In love he predestined us for adoption through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will. Eph. 1:5"
This past weekend we saw the movie Fireproof. This song was a standout for me ...so much so that I had to post it. I pray as you listen that God's grace falls fresh on your life as you 'run your race' as God calls you. In this time of economic upheaval and uncertainty....we are certain about the unwavering God we serve. None of this takes him by suprise and as we do our own 'waiting' we know that ALL is working for our good. (Romans 8:28) I pray this blesses your day!