Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Absolutely No Animals or Daughters Were Harmed Or Mamed In The Making Of This Post....

Good thing the Daddy wasn't here to hear the screams! (yes..Julie! This means you!!) We have been watching 2 painted-lady cocoons knowing they were ready to hatch. They were in a jar in the kitchen....when lordy mercy...they out!!! And one flew around the kitchen seemingly aimed to assalt any young lady in it's path. You should've heard the ruckus these girls can make! Now you'll see the mommy wielding broom..don't know why. It just seemed the proper thing to do in defense of the attack of the butterfly upon lovely daughters.(I know what you're thought the pic was of Heidi Klum...with a broom:)The resemblence is astounding isn't it:)) After coming to my senses, I did the next best thing... Picked up the Clifford book Katie had made at preschool...coaxed vicious butterfly into container...and placed both fierce, violent insects on front porch...where they took flight. Order was restored to the kingdom. It was drama. If you ever need info on how to protect yourself or family members from rabid me.

1 comment:

The Brown Family said...

Ha! You have the most fun over there! We want to come and play!! I'm glad you saved your sweet daughters from whatever butterflies do :). As brought a big smile to the Brown girls today!
Love you! Gisele