Sunday, November 4, 2007

Eloise~Take Two!

We've been gone since Wednesday on a planned long weekend getaway. A friend of ours has a townhouse out by Disney that we use whenever it's not rented, which has been a godsend for us this year. It's a mile from the Disney you go! Daddy commutes from his day job :) and Julie joined us on the weekend after Christmas production rehearsals. After Tropical Storm Noel blew remains thru the Kissimmee prairie.... the weather couldn't have been more perfect. We spent the week getting some much needed R&R and enjoying our girls. Kristin ( a.k.a. Eloise) kept us in stitches most of the time. Where she comes up with the things that come out of her mouth is beyond us! We're constantly scratching our heads (between laughing)! Really...scratch..laugh...scratch...laugh. This post is about her. More about everyone else to follow:) Hold your goes!!!

The first night there...apparently Eloise got up in the middle of the night ...probably to go potty. That little bar of soap the cleaning people left was soooo she shampooed her hair with it. In the middle of the night, AND didn't wash it out. So, by morning when she awoke.....she had this hair stuff sticking out in stiff peaks from all sides of her head. It was like she had been poly-urethaned with high gloss glaze. Crunchy doesn't even begin to describe this! Whoa! The things that go on after dark!! That's the first pic. We went to the pool later and the water was foamy:) Then, we went to the park where our free-spirit caught a baby lizard and the mommy caught her kissing it on the lips many, many times...while carrying it around to everyone show all the tourists how wonderful Florida lizards are. They are not so very scary you see! The grandmas were horrified! (See pic.)The next pic is the next day....when Daddy was taking girls to the park. Look closely in her hands. Do you see what she gathered to take ??(she was waiting by the door with items in hand to go....) A half eaten piece if pizza, a beanie kitty, an orange crayon (!), and a piece of someone's stick candy. Must have items for the park! The only thing missing was tape. (see previous post). She explained very eloquently that the orange crayon was so she could write her letters in the sand. A perfectly reasonable explaination in her book! AND the next pic is the next time, where she tried to smuggle a roll of toilet paper under her shirt to take to the park. She wanted to do ribbon dancing with toilet paper for the other nice people at the park who would undoubtedly take it upon themselves to watch the dancing 4 yr. old with mouths hanging wide open in wonder. Last pic is Eloise taking a break from swimming by lying on a chair listening to Mommy's I-pod. Here she is SHOUTING the song (notice I didn't say singing:)) "Hallelujah, What A Savior" by Paul Baloche right in the ears of the nice, older UK , speedo-clad group next to us. Just to let you know...her next concert is already sold out:)! If you need a ticket, please contact the management:) Never a dull moment with this child. Does she sleep? Apparently not. That's when she does hair! Anyone need an appointment??........TBC (to be continued!!) (Also, please take notice of the cute little Chinese born piggy behind Eloise in the last pic. That would be Katie...who is absolutely adorable these days!.......................)


Anonymous said...

Oh my, that was pretty funny! Kristin is a hoot and we love her! (Maybe you should make suggestions of things she can do when she wakes up in the night, like fold some laundry, get a head start on breakfast, etc. =)

Anonymous said...

I love the hair!! maybe she will start a trend :)! Sounds like a wonderful (and much needed) rest!! Enjoy!!