Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Making Lovely That Which the World Deems As Unlovely.......

This is an excerpt from a book I recently read.....'A Steadfast Heart' by Elyse Fitzpatrick.

"In 1895, a young, godly woman, Amy Carmichael, was commissioned by the church of England Zenana Missionary Society to go to Dohnavur, India, where she served fifty-six years as God's devoted servant-all without a furlough. A major part of her work there was devoted to rescuing children who had been dedicated by their families to be temple prostitutes. [Please think for a moment about the realities of the harsh existence these children faced every day. I recently spoke with a pastor friend who had visited parts of the world where this type of prostitution is still in effect today.] As Amy worked with the destitute Indians, she realized God had given her a love for those that the world had deemed unlovely. God used the overflow of this love to start the Dohnavur Fellowship which became a place of safety and refuge for temple children. More than a thousand were rescued from neglect and abuse during Amy's lifetime....The world in which she lived was often dangerous and stressful, yet she never forgot God's promise to "keep her in all things." Amy spoke of dark days "when the sky turned black for me because of what I heard and knew was true. Sometimes it was as if I saw the Lord Jesus Christ kneeling alone, as He knelt long ago under the olive trees...And the only thing that one who cared could do, was to go softly and kneel down beside Him, so that He would not be alone in His sorrow over the little children."

There is no question from reading scripture that God's heart is near the poor, needy and orphaned of this world. I was deeply saddened during our 20 day trip to China last year with the realization of how "lazy" the American church has become as a whole. Prosperity can make us fat and lazy, or can be a catalyst launching us into "good works prepared in advance for us to do." I remember almost feeling guilty walking into my wonderful Publix grocery store after experiencing the poverty and lack of the Chinese......AND the ironic feeling of holding Katherine in both places. The richness of my America vs. the stark poverty of her birth country was profound.

We purposfully do not disclose details of our 2 domestically adopted daughters histories. What I can say is that both were horrific, beyond what even my mind could think of, or had seen up to that point. One daughter in particular still lives with ongoing effects of this past maltreatment.

Like Amy Carmichael and others who have gone before her, I want to model Christ in all my efforts towards the afflicted. It's a pleasure to honor my Lord by laying down my life for the 'least of these.' My time is not my own. It's God's. Amy Carmichael made God's business her business. It was done not for the praise man gives, but her gaze was upward towards her heavenly father....constantly beseeching Him for the next child....the next step.

As a mom, you will not find me on every ladies committee, volunteering at every event, seeking to make a name for myself at every opportunity given. I have no desire to be "fulfilled" in external ministries or fill my time with busyness that isn't eternal or only craves man's attention. So where will you find me? Being a mother to the formerly motherless. Nurturing little souls bound for eternity. Fixing little broken hearts, knowing these fragile wounds take time to heal. Telling them softly at bedtime how their savior loves them so much he died on a cross......for them. Putting 100 band-aids on countless boo-boos. Watching their earthly father indulge them a little too much...with a secret smile between he and I because we both know all circumstances they came from...and the God who brought them home. Rocking my little China doll that is no longer living her life existing in an orphanage. Homeschooling...again...with a giant smile this time because I feel the pleasure of God in these little girls. Being patient...just as God has been with me. Loving those he's placed before me.....praying for those left behind, and seeking ways to serve those still in need. Making my expectations God's, not man's.....not caring if my deeds go unobserved. Because you see...these girls, like the countless thousands of orphans and abandoned children around the world, represent great treasure to our Heavenly Father. I'm deeply indebted to Amy Carmichael (and others) who lived their lives unashamed of the gospel....and fought valiantly for the vision God had placed before them. After a trip to visit the Donavhur Fellowship, Elisabeth Elliot said this about Amy Carmichael. "The meaning of the living sacrifice, the corn of wheat, the crucified life, had been shown to us in twentieth century flesh and blood." (from Keep a Quiet Heart by E. Elliot)

So.......where will you find me? Not a hard answer at all. You will find me 'making lovely what the world has deemed unlovely'.....one life at a time.
"Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for the orphans....." James 1:27


Tammy said...

I'm provoked and encouraged by your example.

Katherine Peschau said...

You never cease to amaze me with your thoughts. I am encouraged and LONG for the day when I am able to adopt a few children.
How was Katie's first day and Kristen's second day of school?
How goes it with the homeschooling? Praying for you!
Miss seeing you :(