Thursday, May 3, 2007


Welcome to our new VanLue family Blog! We had a travel blog while we were in China and then have been very lazy ....or rather very busy taking care of all these little people!:) Well....we're back!We'll post current pics, info, trips, and lots of stories about our favorite people! Scott and Cissy are the proud parents of Jason (22) married to Mel , and grandparents to Mr. Cade William (1). Then there's the princess collection of Julie (19) , Leni (5) , Kristin (4), and our Minnie Mulan Katherine who will turn 2 on June 11. It's a busy but fun life held together by the awesome power of God's amazing grace. Look for more posts in the coming days as we figure out how to work this thing!!


The VanLue House of Happy Chaos said...

wow...lots of girls

Anonymous said...

om, i have a complaint...why in the world do you feel the need to post how old i am?! =) and, if you do feel the need, then why not keep it uniform and post hold old everyone is? For example: Scott (47) and Cissy (44) are the proud parents of Jason (22) and Mel (25) ...or...Scott and Cissy are the proud parents of Jason and pick. =p