Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tornados, A Nephew and a Couple of Divas

Messy day today. Lots of rain and tornados around our area. Boo...hiss. So, as Cade came over to visit we had to decide what in the world to do. Cade decided to make his mommy a special refrigerator magnet (SHHHHH! We want Mommy to be sooo suprised!) ...which lasted all of 3 seconds. Heh. All 4 LOVED the colored peanuts made from cornstarch. They stick together with a little water. See the log cabin? Laura Ingalls herself would be proud. Leni painted a birdhouse for her fine, feathered friends that hopefully won't be scared off by the BRIGHTNESS but oh-so-cuteness! ......and please, please take note of the divas getting their nails done. Oh my but they think they are all that and more. Funnest day we've had in a long time.......and it's still raining....and there's lots of daylight left. Guess we'll go paint our ceramic tea set...(GIANT eye-roll from Cade).

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