Saturday, March 27, 2010

Pretty Darn Excited...

That these ladies have finished their school curriculum for this year! Don't know how in the world we did that other than when we work we work really, really hard. We've had so many interruptions with surgery, and medical tests that this is an amazing feat! However....and that's a BIG however.....we have many days yet unfilled to finish our required days. Yes...we ordered more books, and we'll get around to those....but here's a sneak peek at some of the things we've done lately that encompass school and the world known as Heh.

Here's Caroline! At a whopping 3 weeks old:)

Cade surprised Katie by picking her up at school and got to PPPPLLLLLLAAAAYYYYYY all day!

Make Paper Mache Easter Bowls to paint....Messy, messy, messy....and did you know the glue is edible? They found that out!

Tried out the pool....brrrrrrr!

Jammed a finger (mine!)....and boy! That mama can whine!

Got buried with our shoes on....after running 2 mi to the park (and back)!

Got in a little dizzyesque spinning.

Took these cuties to the Science's how I make them line up as we travel hither and yon to keep track of them!

Always time for a gymnastics break when learning all things Science....

My Leni at the new toy exhibit at the Science Center.

Science Center fun....and giving Mel-the-mommy time with her newborn!

1 comment:

Melanie VanLue said...

adorable! thanks for taking care of my guy for me. i like the one of the line-up, with cw behind katie because he's so much taller! pretty cute...