Monday, November 30, 2009

Surgery Day!

Do you want to meet the most resilient child on the planet?? She lives in our house! Today we had our tonsils and adenoids out. This kid is such a trooper!! It's late in the day and other than coming out of the anesthesia (nothing but yuck to say about that!!) she hasn't cried once. She's a silent sufferer which is a good and a bad thing. Good because you never have to deal with too much "drama", and not so good because you keep checking her to make sure she's ok. We had this surgery because she's had a blockage in her sinuses that is causing her discomfort/and enhances her breathing issues we deal with on an ongoing basis. Hopefully as soon as she heals this will alleviate much of the problem. Here is our Princess headed into the OR this morning before the sunrise:)

We thank you for your prayers as we continue to "peel the layers" from the mysteries surrounding this child:) and we give all the glory to our heavenly Father for caring for his children!!

Oh...and a giant thank you to my DIL Mel. The only reason this post got done is because Leni is currently under the effects of meds:) and the other two are at Mel's house spending the night. I had forgotten what silence was like.

1 comment:

Melanie VanLue said...

aww, what a sweet pic! and of course i'm happy to keep the other two for you - quite a funny and chatty group over here =).