Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thank You!

It's been a week and a half since Leni had her tonsils/adenoids out. I must say after the first two days I thought it would be a piece of cake. Was I ever wrong!! She is still running a low grade fever and on pain meds....the worst has been the sharp ear pains that effect her at random times. This is very common on days 4-8 (who knew??) and the nightmares that come with the territory. I was prepared for a sore throat....and that has been the minimal problem. HOWEVER....yesterday was a huge turning point and today Miss Leni is up playing with her nephew. In a rare and unprecedented turn of events.....Leni and Cade are the only ones home at the moment. Katie is at school, and Kristi-Loo is at Mom Jo's house. I picked up Cade W. because Mel isn't feeling good today and when we returned....a box was on the doorstep. Sweet Mirielle from Carolina had sent Leni a get well present which see for yourself how the monkeys liked it. It sings and dances....just what the doctor ordered!! Thank you Miri!! Hope to see you soon!! ( Isn't it great to see Leni smiling??!!)


The Brown Family said...

You are most welcome!! We love you all and are praying for your girl!!

Melanie VanLue said...

Aww, these pics are so cute and funny! I love the top one. And yes, so glad Leni is doing so well now!