Thursday, December 3, 2009

Two Steps Forward, Three Steps Back....

"You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3" This is the verse that begins a new book I am reading. Yesterday it was an excellent verse to meditate upon because as the title of this post suggests...we went backwards a little bit. Leni woke yesterday (post op day 2) with excruciating migraine-like headaches. It tore this mommy up. Because of her sensory issues, Leni doesn't feel pain like the rest of us. She has the highest pain tolerance of anyone I have ever met other than my husband. Anyway, when this kid says she hurts you listen. No drama from this girl. Yesterday got pretty sad as I struggled to help her in anyway I could. We switched her meds around a little bit and she was able to get some relief. In the midst of it all I found her Build-a-bear ready and waiting for surgery in her chair....and found this pic (which I tried to rotate and it keeps posting sideways!!!!GRRRRRR!!!!) that Leni made during a moment of reprieve. This is the sweetest child. I hate to see her hurt.

Happy to is much better. Today is earache day which they said to expect. She's tolerating that very well. Thanks for praying and hopefully we're on the upswing!!

1 comment:

The Brown Family said...

We are praying for Leni and you mom :). Miri is sending something to cheer sweet Leni. It will be in the mail tomorrow.

Love you all!!