Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Jay!

Our firstborn and only son turned 25 over the weekend. Jason's awesome wife Mel suprised him with a weekend away which meant one more around our house. The Cadertot came to visit and I don't think the action ever stopped. He is 3 1/2 now and not only can recognize but name every make/type of car on the road. Put that with 3 other girls all spitting out words with machinegun rapid-fire speed, and you have a crazy fun weekend. We took them to the Science Center for kicks.....and did lots of bike/scootering around the neighborhood. Katie and Cade are the best of buddies these days....and begged to sleep together. What could I say??

1 comment:

Melanie VanLue said...

aww, i love my bubba and my hubby. thanks for taking care of cw for us while we were away - it was much appreciated!