Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Entertainment by Eloise....again....

While I'm running around like crazy because tomorrow's super busy... all 3 girls have to be in different places by 8am...I am packing lunches, getting clothes know the routine. SUDDENLY LOUD SHRIEKING OCCURS WITHOUT CEASING...from upstairs. What you ask? Whatever could it be?? Oh, you know. It's only Kristin with a toddler toilet seat stuck around her head. Really, really stuck. She's wet. Embarrassed. Loud. With a toilet seat now adorning herself like a necklace. Why? Because she can. All work came to a standstill while toilet seat was removed from 5 year old's head (with LOUD sound effects of course). Once again...drama to it's fullest brought to you by a cute little blonde who must do the impossible to make life ....interesting.:) And...after the drama calms down....we laugh. You gotta.


The Brown Family said...

Ha- that's hysterical!!!! Poor sweet girl...she'll never be allowed to forget this one!

Medana22 said...

We would like to know how you got it off;)