Last week, I was sick....then Leni got sick. Everytime the weather changes my Leni has trouble with her asthma and although it's so much better with each passing's still difficult when it hits. She spikes high fevers which triggers breathing issues...etc...then it's a circle of meds, no sleep, trying to find the right combo of breathing 'stuff' that will work...and so on. In addition,I went with a friend to the hospital for some diagnostic testing that ended up being much more involved than we initially thought. The bright spot was that Mel had the opportunity to go to a friend's wedding 'way out west in Montana:)' so we had the pleasure of having Cade for a while as well. (He was awesome and keeps us in hysterics with the things that come out of this little man's mouth!!)...All this brings me to....someone I want to thank OUT LOUD. While I was at the hospital a certain someone that thought she was remaning anonomous...came over and cleaned my house for me. Yes...she did. I was floored. And embarrassed....because if I HAD KNOWN she was coming I would've been better prepared and done the "pre-cleaning" thing. Katie's Thanksgiving Feast was also the same day at her school and we had been in a mad rush to get outta here. So...THANK YOU MEDANA for the way you so unselfishly lay down your life for others (in this case us) even though you have so much on your plate these days. Medana is the mom to 4 fabulous kids including the newest...7 month old Sadie. I can't believe she even thought about us with all she's juggling in her own life.:) I do need to say that the Cox family's testimony of God's grace in their lives is evident in all they undertake and we are so grateful to have them in our lives! Medana is and will continue to be one of my earthly heroes because of how she's chosen to honor God with her daily walk. So much wisdom from this girl at such a young age (young to me:)). Last week serving our family was another example of how daily she chooses to 'take up her cross' and follow God's leading. Thank you Medana! We are very, very grateful!
Leni is still pretty sick and we are up almost all night. Please pray for her quick recovery from this episode. I lay with her last night and around 4 am as she was struggling to breathe....and I was feeling a little sorry for myself...I felt God tell me that he had plucked this little one 'from the fields of the fatherless' knowing there would be hands to hold her in the night.. as asthma continues to be a struggle. My self pity turned to gratefulness that God has chosen me to be Leni's arms in her time of need. What a privledge to do God's work as he calls!
Now...back to prep for all that are coming over tomorrow:) Happy Thanksgiving!
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
2 hours ago
Oh my friend...we will be praying! May the Lord heal you and sweet Leni and may the amazing grace of our Lord saturate your home! May the Lord bless Medana! What a gift she is!
We pray you have a peaceful rest of the day...we love you all!
Happy Thanksgiving! was my pleasure truely, you are an amazing woman that makes it easy to serve with joy:) LOVE YOU!!!
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