Monday, October 5, 2009


Well...we've settled into a dull-but-not-so-dull routine of school, school,activities, school, and did I mention school?? The ladies are doing FANTASTIC this I'm going to ride the wave of this momentum as long as it lasts!! The older girls are homeschooled, while Katie attends K4 three days a week. What's funny about Katie is that last year she loved school but wouldn't talk unless spoken to. This year she's the bossy one...with hands on hips telling all the boys what and where to go! We are by FAR the smallest in the class but we make up for that in the boldness of our mouth (says the teacher!!). Gotta smile:) Survival of the fittest at it's best!

Everyone can pray for us too, if you feel led. We've started the ball rolling on some major diagnostic testing on one of our little ladies. We'll be seeing 5 specialists in the coming weeks....including having to undergo a general anesthetic for one procedure. Not fun, but necessary as the time has come to make some decisions and get the help she (we) needs. It's hard to explain needles and such to a little your prayers are coveted. Thank you!!

I hope to be back on track posting here as well!! I'm finding the multi-tasking is not getting any easier as time marches on!! Now back to phonics fun....!


The Eastham's said...

We'll be praying and please let us know if we can help out in any way!! said...

I will be praying too.