Sunday, November 29, 2009

Our Newest Project

We had a marvelous Thanksgiving and trust everyone reading did too! Grandma brought the P.C. a new project to occupy the Science side of things for a while. These necklaces actually hold a Painted Lady caterpillar....all the food necessary until they spin a chrysalis and even have a magnifying glass on top. Our trusty caterpillars survived being carted, poked, and shaken and are currently hibernating in their cocoons. In another week or so we will have beautiful butterflies to introduce to their new habitat.

Thanks Grandma for the awesome contribution to the Princess Home school!!

Leni has surgery tomorrow VERY EARLY in the morning to remove her tonsils and adenoids. Hopefully this will correct her apnea and improve her ability to breathe:) If you think of us, please pray for safety during surgery and a speedy recovery for this sweet girl!!

1 comment:

The Brown Family said...

We're praying for your sweet girl! Love you!!