Well...here goes. Leni, age 8 has had asthma related issues since her adoption and some developmental issues that haven't resolved themselves. Part of the 'plan' included watching her...getting therapy and hoping she outgrew most of what has continued to plague her. Now at 8 years old we are taking more aggressive action to those remaining issues. We started from scratch basically all over again getting tests, tests, and more tests. Here's what has surfaced so far and as much as I'm comfortable revealing. Her asthma remains and after today's pulmonology visit...is still pretty bad. The lung Dr. today said we need to be very aggressive in treating her from now on because her oxygenation is pretty sad.:( We got new scripts and are going to do just that. Leni also had an overnight sleep study done which revealed 'obstructive apnea with excessive sleep fragmentation'....in other words...she stops breathing in her sleep 3-4x an hour. Yuck. Put that on top of low oxygenation levels anyway and now we know why the poor thing has struggled. We will be seeing an ENT on Monday to schedule surgery to have her tonsils/adnoids removed ASAP. The next test will be a daytime sleep study that will look further into another possibility .... She currently has a cyst at the base of her brain stem that they are checking to see if it's putting pressure on the stem. That could also be aggravating her symptoms and causing her hypotonia (low muscle tone) as well. There is a possibility of another surgery here as well.
This is alot for an 8 year old:) but we're grateful to God for his mercy over this little girl. Not once have we ever doubted His great love for her and we know all is in His hands as we walk this thru. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers as we walk this thru in a way that gives the glory back to God. He is faithful!!
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
2 hours ago
Thank you for the update Cissy! We will be praying for sweet Leni and you all as you walk this road. You are so right... God so loves her and nothing can thwart His loving purposes! May the Lord receive MUCH glory through it all! We so love you guys!!
Thank you for letting us know. I am praying for Leni, and for wisdom for you all as you work through all the information you have been given. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. Love you all!!
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