Friday, September 12, 2008

And...We're Going Mother Earth!

Yes! The P.C. has entered into uncharted waters for them ...the land of gardening! We were looking for a project that would involve the whole family and not segregate us into 'this child does this class, the other child does another class' know..the mom taxi service. Well in my efforts to avoid that until they are a little older:) this is what we came up with that would serve as 'school' (Science!!), exercise, family togetherness...and products to boot! We cleared land (a 20ft. by 15 ft. plot) ...killed nematodes (bugs found in Florida)... tilled soil (Dad's job...amazingly done by someone hit by a car only 4 months ago!!) ...fertilized 'just right' ...and planted. What are we growing? ***HINT*** It's ALL edible. Or supposed to be anyway:) You'll find out in the days to come! AND it's growing magnificently and just as planned. I grew up in Georgia and Mississippi...where everyone has a garden. I remember my grandma bent over picking fresh produce daily from her GIANT garden and the memories of shucking peas and snapping beans on the back porch are forever imbedded in my memory. Our little ladies have been very busy the last 6 weeks planting, pulling weeds, watering and patiently waiting for their plants to produce something. (When Mama, when?) See that tree behind Scott in the last pic? Leni fell from it yesterday and sprained her ankle. We're limping bones gardening has it's pitfalls too! We're having a great time and learning lots! Krisitn likes to be in the center barking orders at everyone.No great suprise here! Blondie is a born leader...or likes to think she is anyway. Katie runs around SCREAMING everytime she sees a bug...and our precious Leni loves 'wallerin' in the dirt and climbing trees. The mommy loves the outdoors and would be there all the time if that was possible. Julie...well....not so outdoorsy:). The daddy is our construction worker and our 'large machine operator' when we can't do it ourselves. This is meant to be a school project so the girls are taking full responsibility!! Our little horticulturalists will be back soon with an update!

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