...that being pics of cute little girls...to bring you our newest reading list from our house.:) We're big readers, as I've said before...not big tv watchers (although I just gotta have my "Jon and Kate Plus Eight" weekly fix :). So lately, what have we been reading?
While cleaning house, I went through some closets and found boxes and boxes of books from years of schooling Jason and Julie. I had to pull out and re-read old favorites that jumped out at me. The first one...don't laugh...was the "Trapp Family Singers" by Maria Von Trapp herself. You all know the Sound of Music version...but this is the real biography of the family. They fled Austria via Italy after the German invasion of Austria. One of the wealthiest families in Austria immigrated to America (thru Ellis Island...I've been there...toured the place...it's amazing..) towing 9 children and pregnant with the 10th. AND with 4 dollars to their name. Hitler himself actually lived in their Salzburg estate for a time during the war. The tenacity of this family is extraordinary as they fought for survival in a new country during wartime. I love history and reading this as an adult brought tears to my eyes for the sacrifices this family made.
The second re-read which is about the 25th for me on this one is "The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom. For me this was revelant because the German invasion of Holland happened for Corrie when she was in her mid forties.... Where I am now. I was able to put myself in her shoes this time and connect in a way I hadn't before. Corrie was in solitary confinement in a concentration camp for months with nothing but her overcoat...the same clothes she was arrested in...no blanket, no pillow, no companions except for an occasional ant. A worker smuggled in a copy of the 4 gospels for her....and when her lone light-bulb worked she was able to read and re-read these precious stories to herself. Then she gave her precious gospels away so others could have them. They were her only (and illegal) possessions. After reading the book, I also watched the movie which obviously skipped around...but you got the meat and the visuals of the destitution these people faced. Death was probably welcomed for many. This book definitely encourages you to rethink your perspective on hardship....I for one don't think I would last in solitary confinement without my I-pod. It has a Bible on it:) I put it on there for our trip to China, and as we flew over the inland of this massive country, I listened to it knowing there were people in prision not unlike Corrie Ten Boom right below my plane....all because they are Christians. Makes you think doesn't it??? This woman is on my very short list of personal heros!! (also there is Elisabeth Elliot and Amy Carmichael....)
Book 3 was given to me from my Daughter-In-Law Mel. It's "Hinds Feet On High Places" by Hannah Hurnard. "This book is an allegory dramatizing the yearning of God's children to be led to new heights of love, joy and victory. The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds'feet, and he will make me walk upon mine high places...Habakkuk 3:19." The story is of Much-Afraid as she walks thru the difficult places with her constant companions Suffering and Sorrow. Much-Afraid overcomes tormenting fears as she passes through many dangers and comes at last to the High Places...learning that the Great Shepherd was with her all the while. I'm still chewing on this one....and really enjoying it because it's in 'story' form...and very well written.
Last but not least....My current favorite and must read is another new release by John Piper titled "Battling Unbelief".Defeating Sin with Superior Pleasure. This is a very, serious book about a very serious series of sins. The chapter titles deal with anxiety, pride, misplaced shame, impatience, covetousness, bitterness, despondency (depression), Lust (not what you may think!), just to name a few. Discouraged? Don't be at all!! The whole premise of this book is to relay how faith works to liberate us from sin..specifically in the areas above. Christ died not mainly to make things go well for us, but to bring us to God. Piper says," Battling Unbelief is another way of saying, Living by faith in future grace. The unbelief that I have in mind is the failure to trust the promises of God that sustain our radical obedience in the future." Piper explains how God is for us...and having faith means we know the promises God has for us in Christ Jesus...then we use our God-given faith to fight fire with fire." We throw against the promises of sin the promises of God. We hold fast to the Christ-centered gospel (vs. a man-centered one) truth with all its promises, and bank on them in every situation." If you are currently struggling in any of these above areas I highly encourage you to get this book. It has been life changing for me these past few months, as it has given a practical, God-central approach ...in labeling these sins for what they are...but also bringing much hope for their defeat. I leave you with his 'glorious logic of heaven'..." Because God spared his Son no pain in saving us, therefore he will spare no omnipotent efort to give us all that we need forever. Absolutely certain future grace will come to those who trust Christ, because God infallibly secured it in not sparing his Son." Wow, and wow.
I would love to hear from others about what you're reading/have read recently. Feel free to comment here or email me privately with your response. I'm always looking for books!!!
Have a great few days, and I hope these titles encourage your soul as well.
"You CAN trust an unknown future to a known God." Corrie Ten Boom
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
3 hours ago
Hey Cissy - Hinds Feet On High Places is one of my all time favorite books! God used that book years ago in a very special way that I will never forget. Currently, I'm reading Heaven, by Randy Alcorn. This book is amazing in it's ability to point our gaze to eternity and that which really matters. How far I fall short on a daily basis, but this book is big with lots of words, so hopefully I'll get it ingrained into my soul before I'm finished! We'll see...
The second book I'm reading is The Beautiful Fight, by Gary Thomas. In your own words, "Wow and wow!" :-) I'm really enjoying this book. It explains the purpose of our life in a very clear and concise way. It also goes very well with the first book I'm reading. I usually have two books I'm working through - one that I read as part of my devotions in the morning and the other I trickle through at night before going to bed. Two books I just finished are - Shopping for Time, by the girltalkers; and Signs of the Spirit, by Sam Storms. They were (no pun intended) timely books for me as well. Isn't God good to give us the resources we need to read at just the right time? Thanks for sharing your picks! I'm always looking for good books too!
i love the trapp family singers book. when the boys were really little we studied the trapp family as a section on music, including (believe it or not) a whole science section on hearing and the make up of our ears. while they just watched the sound of music, i read the trapp family singers as a bit of background for teaching them about the family. i LOVED that book. it was great to learn more about them other than just seeing the movie.
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