Sunday, December 9, 2007


Saturday night, we had a party for our oldest and only son, Jason. We are so proud of him and the man of God he has become. He runs his own company (see side-bar), takes excellent care of his wife and together they produced the cutest little boy ever! Jay also serves in various areas of our church and is an excellent big-brother to the little girls. We're so very grateful for how he has chosen to live his life with integrity ....posturing himself to still receive input from his dad, and continually disciplining himself towards Godliness. He's awesome! Enjoy the pictures. Mel, Jason's wife and our extraordinary daughter-in-law made dinner for everyone. Mel herself is the oldest of 6 ....her family came early but had to go because of a previous commitment, so you'll see grandparents, more grandparents, Mel's brothers and lots of little people. The girls and Cade had a blast because Jason's their giant jungle-gym-climb-on-toy. We are a very blessed family don't you think???!!

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