Last week we were at Bible School all week. This mommy volunteered to help considering I had 3 kiddos there and by the time I got home to do anything, it would be time to go back and get them. Plus...I like being involved and being a part of all they do. Well...I volunteered, and was drafted to be the craft teacher in Leni's kindergarten class. I was overwhelmed at the thought because.....although I love, love crafts....this mommy just doesn't have the time these days be crafty...much less get a full nights sleep. I needn't have worried!! It was an absolute blast and we were so sad to see the week come to an end! There were 16 kids in my class and they were delightful! I'd do it again in a heartbeat...and then some! Eloise took advantage of the teen helper in her class...and proceeded to manipulate the girl into thinking our Eloise was totally helpless and needed undivided attention. Everytime I passed E in the hall/playground/craft area...she was being carried like a queen (well, isn't she one??!!) by the teen helper..E was pretending to 'need' things she would normally do herself....and relishing in the attention. Geez. We put an end to that v-e-r-y quickly when the week was over. That attitude doesn't work when you're one of five kids!! Enjoy the pics from our week. Then.....when we came home from Church Sunday...our house was 87 degrees inside. Yep. You guessed it. Broken air. Bummer. It was over 90 in the girls we sent some packing to grandma's house....and for the next couple of days endured gruelling indoor heat. Reminds me of no power during the hurricanes a few years back :) All is restored to normal more indoor sweating for the Oreo's!! Last but not least... here's a sampling of some of the books we've been reading.... just FYI
1. Anything by Elyse Fitzpatrick...I started reading her books beginning with "A Steadfast Heart" last summer...and have continued progressing thru her works. She's very direct and forthright in her manner and gives an unwatered down biblical perspective. She has a book on "Overcoming Worry, Fear, and Anxiety" that is a must read for the mid-lifer female mind :)
2. Humility by C.J. Mahaney- this is a re-read...and worthy of re-reading a few times a year
3. Signs of the Spirit by Sam Storms- this is a rewrite of Jonathan Edwards 'Religious Affections". This really makes you think about where your heart lies and what you revere here on this earth. What captures your affections?? I'm asking this to myself daily now.
4. The Chronicles of Narnia--again....just for fun
5. Scott's pick--The Divine Body by Thomas Watson
6. All things for Good-By Thomas Watson
We'd love to hear what you're reading as well....fill us in!! Oh yea...note the picture of the little Asian child that wandered into the Kindergarten Music class. Katie had gotten 'knocked' over in her room (next door) and came into music for a little TLC. Leni was very sweet and tried to teach her the songs w/hand motions. It was hysterical!